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Abstract Submissions

Application Deadline: 30 OCT 2024

HKSHT welcomes submissions for the presentation of Scientific Papers, and Scientific Posters at the 18th Annual Symposium of the Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy in February 2025.

“Understanding Hand Therapy: Learning from Core Skills, Enhancing through Innovation” is the theme of the Annual Symposium. Specific priorities will be given to topics related to the followings (but not limit to):
  • multidisciplinary approach and/or international perspectives;
  • inclusion of the lived experience; and
  • knowledge translation and implementation science.
Topics related to other areas relevant to hand and upper extremity practice, innovation, research, and education will also be considered.

The Organizing Committee of Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy will review all submitted proposals before notifications to selected parties. Organizing Committee welcomes proposals previously submitted to other meetings. Notifications (acceptances/regrets) will be sent by December 15, 2024.

Please direct any inquiries to


Does my submission have to relate to the theme or specific priorities?

No! We welcome content in all areas relevant to hand and upper extremity practice, innovation, research and education. However, please note that proposed presentations that closely link to the theme or specific priorities may be given higher priority for acceptance.

Who can submit a proposal?

The call for proposals is open to anyone who has content they would like to share with the hand therapy community. We welcome high-quality and innovative content from first-time submitters, including junior therapists.

Can I submit a proposal I’ve previously presented elsewhere?

Yes. We welcome content presented elsewhere that is relevant to our hand therapy community. We ask that you provide details about any past presentation(s) that are related to the current proposal in the submission.

What is the cost to submit a proposal?

There is no fee to submit your proposal.

How are the proposals selected?

Proposals are reviewed and scored by the members of the Organizing Committee of the Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy. Speakers’ names are masked so that reviewers can focus on evaluating and ranking content.

When will I be notified if my proposal is accepted?

Notifications regarding acceptances or regrets will be sent in mid-December 2024.

If my proposal is accepted, what happens next?

Congratulations on your acceptance! the Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy Committee will be in contact with more details. You will be responsible for submitting your bio and headshot and your presentation slides, posters and/or handouts. You will also be responsible for registering for the meeting, including paying any registration fees.

I still have a question that’s not answered here. What should I do?

For administrative and/or content questions please contact at

Thank you for considering submitting a proposal to the 18th Annual Symposium of the Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy. Look forward to meeting you in Hong Kong.